Truck advertising is a mode of outdoor advertising which involves truck branding to carry promotional logos, artwork, and messaging. The main objective of truck ads is to promote services, brands, and products of the advertiser. In order to reach significant numbers of people, these advertising trucks can be located in the largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) for local coverage or truck ads can be placed for national coverage by utilizing trucks which travel in a larger geographical area. Using truck side ads can be an essential part of your media mix because it helps advertisers very cost-effectively reach their target audience. There are numerous benefits as to why marketing and advertising should opt for truck advertising. Truck ads will help maximize advertising dollars and reach an audience like none other. Below are a few of the key benefits of a Truck Advertising
1. Wide-Reaching
Brand awareness is a key factor that improves overall sales and marketing efforts. A small group of trucks can reach millions of buyers every day. Truck advertising will help advertiser’s brand by reaching many more individuals in the top MSA’s or many more with national coverage. There is no other media that has this type of reach. Truck Ads can help make buyers well aware of any brand and make it much more familiar. Truck advertising can be one of the best strategies to reach a new and large potential buying audience.
2. Cost-Effective
The average Truck Ad in the Top 10 Markets gets approximately 65,000 visual impressions per day. The advertising cost is less than $1/CPM (Cost per Thousand Visual Impressions). Truck Advertising is more effective and provides more value for each advertising dollar. It is the most cost-effective advertising available today… a much more affordable mode of advertisement as compared to printed ads, billboards, radio, internet and television commercials.
Get the same number of impressions: $1 spent on Truck Advertising obtains the same number of visual impressions as $10 spent on outdoor or $35 on TV
3. A Unique Advertising Strategy
Truck advertising is a very unique advertising strategy as the advertiser can create a HUGE presence in any market or nationwide. It can also give the advertiser the opportunity to blanket a market literally overnight. In addition, consumers are also led to believe that whatever advertisement is on the outside of the vehicle is the same product on the inside. Truck Advertising gives the consumer the idea that this advertiser must be very significant as “I see their trucks everywhere!” There is simply no other form of advertising that can accomplish this unique strategy.
4. Flexibility
Truck advertising is also one of the most flexible ways to get your message out to the market. First consider that inventory is available in all of the top markets and/or available for over the road nationwide coverage. Other Out of Home options or other media buying opportunities may not be available at the time you wish to purchase. Another factor is that truck graphics can be quickly and easily produced, unlike a television commercial with extensive production time involved. Truck advertising ads can be ready when you are. There is also flexibility for short-term or long-term advertising campaigns. Trucks utilizing the KWIK ZIP Truck Graphic System literally give advertisers the option of zipping old graphics off and new graphics on in minutes.
5. Effective
Consumers are spending more time commuting in the US than ever before. The average one-way commute time is 26 minutes, according to the United States Census Bureau. If you commute to a full-time 5-day-a-week job roundtrip, that adds up to over 4 hours a week and over 200 hours, or 9 full days, per year. This is fantastic news for Truck advertisers who take advantage of this form of advertising.
Research shows that Truck Advertising is definitely one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers, as people actually see your ad instead of turning the page or changing the channel. Nobody can miss the large billboards right outside their car window. .
Truck Advertising is truly one of the best ways to spend advertising dollars and offers the best return on the advertising investment. Truck Advertising offers huge reach, is the most cost effective advertising opportunity available, offers an interesting and unique option, is the most flexibility for launching timely campaigns and is the most effective way to reach a desired audience where they cannot turn the page or change the channel!